Scholar on Dragon Carp


This Scholar depicted with Dragon Carp and Four Symbols of Scholarship brings examination success and top academic attainment to those pursuing their studies.

To the Chinese, the Dragon Carp is the ultimate symbol of accomplishment, representing the lowly carp transforming into the magical Dragon having successfully leaped the heavenly Dragon Gate. This scholastic enhancer features the Scholar and Dragon Carp surrounded by all four symbols of scholastic success the book, the scroll, the calligraphy brush and the flute  bringing success in all aspects of education, preparing the student for success not just in their examinations, but also leading them down a path for great career success afterwards.

In 2025, place in the West sector of the home or of the study room. A fabulous feng shui energizer for all students and for young people newly embarking into the working world.

Weight: 1195 grams
Height: 11.5 cm
Length: 15 cm
Width: 10.3 cm
Make: Metal & Zirconia

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