Health & Longevity Luck
Health & Longevity Luck
Abundance Wu Lou
for good health & a complete life This magnificent Abundance Wu Lou has been decorated with the magical implements of the 8 Immortals to symbolize 8 kinds of goodness entering your life. The implements are: the sword for strength, the...
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha protects against falling sick and helps those who are ill to recover quickly and fully. Excellent for anyone who is elderly, feeling poorly, or afflicted by illness stars in their chart. This plaque also features the Longevity Amulet...
Abundance Wu Lou Amulet
for good health & a complete life This magnificent Abundance Wu Lou has been decorated with the magical implements of the 8 Immortals to symbolize 8 kinds of goodness entering your life. The implements are the sword for strength, the...
Gold Wu Lou Pendant with Black Cord
for good health & longevityThe Wu Lou is a popular symbol of good health and longevity. Wear to protect against falling sick and to strengthen inner vitality. Excellent if you are looking for additional health protection, tend to fall sick...
Pair Of Crane with Peaches & Bamboo
for longevity & vigor Cranes represent a strong connection to immortality and are hugely popular symbols of longevity and good health. Cranes also represent joy, happiness and eternal youth, suggesting one progresses in age while staying physically youthful and mentally...
Medicine Buddha Plaque
For good health and to heal from illness This wonderful mini plaque featuring Medicine Buddha brings blessings of good health and longevity. Wards off sickness vibes and helps one to get better quickly and fully when one is not well....
Mega Wu Lou with 8 Joyous Cranes
For health and longevity of good fortune. This Golden Wu Lou made in extra large size is perfect for the main living area of the home and features 8 Joyous Cranes. In Chinese legend, the Wu Lou also known as the...
Health Incense Holder with Sandalwood Incense
This beautiful porcelain incense holder is designed to make it easy for you to perform incense offering rituals as often as needed. An incense offering ritual uses the fire and air element to clear away stagnant energy in a home,...
Lapis Lazuli Mala (8MM) + Free Chant A Mantra Booklet
This exquisite dark blue lapis lazuli mala has been designed especially for chanting the mantra of the Medicine Buddha. Perfect for anyone suffering from any form of illness or disease. Chanting Medicine Buddhas mantra invokes his blessings and protection, bringing...
Medicine Buddha Pendant
To protect against health obstaclesMedicine Buddha is the deity that comes to the aid of anyone with health obstacles in their life. This exquisitely crafted Medicine Buddha pendant strung with lapis lazuli beads, the same colour as his body, keeps...
Angel Wings with Sacred Geometry
Inspired by Feng Shui, Lucy Deslandes art activates and energises your space. With her symbolic and elemental understanding, she has created work which uplifts and promotes a positive vibration. The placement of Lucy's artwork in your home or workspace will...
Health Incense Holder
This beautiful porcelain incense holder is designed to make it easy for you to perform incense offering rituals as often as needed. An incense offering ritual uses the fire and air element to clear away stagnant energy in a home,...
Gold Wu Lou
Inspired by Feng Shui, Lucy Deslandes art activates and energises your space. With her symbolic and elemental understanding, she has created work that uplifts and promotes a positive vibration. The placement of Lucy's artwork in your home or workspace will...
Wu Lou
Inspired by Feng Shui, Lucy Deslandes art activates and energises your space. With her symbolic and elemental understanding, she has created work which uplifts and promotes a positive vibration. The placement of Lucy's artwork in your home or workspace will...
Bejewelled Blue Tara
Blue Tara is the most powerful Tara for overcoming severe obstacles. She protects against illness, black magic and violence. She carries a flaming sword that symbolises her great power to slice through difficulties. We need powerful protection against the year's...
Taykar Drozangma - Goddess of Long Life
Drozangma is the green long life sister who increases one's inner vitality, regeneration and life force. She prevents harmful nagas from stealing away one's life force or causing diseases. Drozangma rides a female Turquoise Green Dragon while holding Durva grass...
Amithayus Plaque
One of the 3 long-life Buddhas, Amitayus brings long life and good health. Place this plaque in the Center (2025) and chant his mantra thrice daily to strengthen health and longevity. Weight: 420 gramsHeight: 23 cmLength: 18 cmWidth: 1.5 cmMake:...
Blue Tara Mirror for Subduing Violence, Dark Spells and Disasters
Blue Tara is the Goddess of Victory over War and Disasters. She also subdues black magic and violence. She protects you from bad intentions of enemies and wandering spirits who wish to cause harm to you. Use this mirror whenever...
Lapis Lazuli Wu Lou Bracelet for Overcoming #2 Star
This lapis lazuli bracelet gives you the energy boost needed to stay resilient against illness energies. Strung with a Wu Lou, the gourd of good health and longevity, and four Om Mani Padme Hum miniature prayer wheels, the lapis lazuli...
Gift of Gold - Medicine Buddha Pendant
In the Chinese culture, wearing gold jewelry is believed to bring lots of good luck. And when the item includes auspicious symbols in the design, then the luck is multiplied. Wear an auspicious symbol in 18K gold to maximize your...
Anti-Illness Amulet Card
This amulet card is inscribed with secret mantras that create an aura of protection around you against many different contagious diseases. Keep this amulet card in your wallet or somewhere near you at all times to protect against illness of...
"Good Health & Well-Being" Medallion
Wear this lucky medallions to attract fabulous good fortune and for protection against negative energies. Plated in 18K gold, this medallion harnesses the tremendous power of Dakini secret amulets and features powerful symbols of fortune to attract magic into your...
Medicine Buddha Mantra Wand
Carry this mantra wand if you are suffering from ill health of any kind.
Make: Alloy
Height: 12 cm
Diameter: 1.5 cm
Weight: 70 grams
Luo Han with Crane for Good Health & Longevity
The Luo Han of Good Health and Longevity is depicted sitting on the Crane, the Bird of Immortality strongly identified with all the attributes of good health, long life, happiness and smoothness of flight. This Luo Han also holds the...
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