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The Courageous Horse
The Horse is the great adventurer of the Zodiac, always looking for new mountains to climb and new pastures to explore. Display this Courageous Horse to manifest its characteristics of speed, stamina, bravery, adventurous spirit, success and victory in your...
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The Dashing Dragon
The Dragon is jauntiest, most dynamic sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and having its image in any living space brings out all its positively wonderful characteristics. Display this dashing Dragon in your home to awaken charisma, courage, energy, strength, leadership,...
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Lillian Too's Horoscope Art - Monkey
The Years of the Monkey include 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028. The Monkey is smart, agile and active. They are endowed with intelligence and have highly adaptable abilities. Allies of the Monkey are the Rat and...
US$68.00 US$20.40
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The Speedy Rabbit
The Rabbit is the speediest sign of Chinese Zodiac and having its image in any living space awakens all its delightful qualities compassion, joy, momentum, empathy and humour. The Rabbit also attracts love of the deepest and most enduring kind....
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The Sultry Sheep
The Sheep is the most alluring sign of the Chinese Zodiac, able to captivate anyone just by its enchanting demeanour. Display this Sultry Sheep to rouse all its delightful characteristics imagination, diplomacy, sensualness, peace and harmony. The Chinese also believe...
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The Marvellous Monkey
No one can beat the Monkey when it comes to intellect and ingenuity. Often thought of as the smartest of the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey is the ultimate symbol of astuteness and strategy. Full of wit, humour, irreverence and chutzpa,...
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Zodiac Allies Bracelet (Monkey, Dragon, Rat)
Each animal sign belongs to an "affinity triangle" made up of three animal signs. The other two signs are your "horoscope allies". If a tough time is indicated for your animal sign,  you call on the help of your horoscope...
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The Dazzing Rooster
The Rooster is the most ambitious sign of the Chinese Zodiac. When a Rooster wants something, you can bet it will get it! Displaying the Rooster in one's living space awakens its many impressive qualities charisma, courage, determination, resilience and...
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The Charming Boar
The Boar is the most blessed of the Chinese Zodiac, believed to be born with a golden spoon in its mouth! The Boar epitomises the good life, never wanting for anything and able to make a good living doing what...
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Jade Boar Bracelet
As this item contains genuine jade, the actual stone color and shade may vary. This beautiful horoscope bracelet attracts excellent feng shui for your animal sign! Wear your bracelet daily to give your success and happiness potential a huge boost!...
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Samantabhadra Hanging (Dragon & Snake)
Samantabhadra is the Lord of the Truth who represents the meditative practices of all the Buddhas. With Shakyamuni and fellow disciple Manjushuri, he makes up the Shakyamuni trinity. He is the patron of the Lotus Sutra. He brings longevity luck...
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Animal Sign Wish Amulet - Monkey
The 12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac play a big role in improving good fortune prospects luck for everyone! Carry your own animal sign with your "Astrology Ally" or "Secret Friend" to activate good fortune luck. Our advice is...
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Animal Sign Wish Amulet - Dragon
The 12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac play a big role in improving good fortune prospects luck for everyone! Carry your own animal sign with your "Astrology Ally" or "Secret Friend" to activate good fortune luck. Our advice is...
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Animal Sign Wish Amulet - Rabbit
The 12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac play a big role in improving good fortune prospects luck for everyone! Carry your own animal sign with your "Astrology Ally" or "Secret Friend" to activate good fortune luck. Our advice is...
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The Resourceful Rat
The Rat is the most resourceful sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is believed that just by having a Rat in one's corner, one will never be short of the money or resources one needs to live well, which is...
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The Tantalising Snake
The Snake is the enchanter of the Zodiac, charming its way into the hearts of anyone and everyone! Display this Tantalising Snake to rouse its many symbolic advantages superior intellect, strategic thought, irresistible charm the Snake is also the symbol...
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Black Onyx Bracelet with Dragon
The Chinese zodiac is made up of 12 animals.  It is believed that one should wear either their own animal sign or that of their secret friend to bring them good luck. This bracelet is also strung with Black Onyx stone which...
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Golden Monkey Ingot
No one can beat the Monkey when it comes to intellect and ingenuity. Often thought of as the smartest of the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey is the ultimate symbol of astuteness and strategy. Full of wit, humour, irreverence and chutzpa,...
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The Stealthy Tiger
The Tiger is the mightiest of the Earthly animal signs. Tigers are power personified and having a Tiger on your side also affords protection. Display this Stealthy Tiger in your living space to awaken all its marvellous qualities brilliance, bravery,...
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Black Onyx Bracelet with Monkey
The Chinese zodiac is made up of 12 animals.  It is believed that one should wear either their own animal sign or that of their secret friend to bring them good luck. This bracelet is also strung with Black Onyx stone which...
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Jade Dog Bracelet
As this item contains genuine jade, the actual stone color and shade may vary. This beautiful horoscope bracelet attracts excellent feng shui for your animal sign! Wear your bracelet daily to give your success and happiness potential a huge boost!...
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Amitabha Hanging (Dog & Boar)
Amitabha is a celestial Buddha of Infinite Light who heads the Lotus Family of Buddhas and the Pure Land School of Mahayana Buddhism. Amitābha possesses infinite merits from good deeds over countless past lives as a Bodhisattva named Dharmakara. Helps...
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Golden Boar on Ingot
The Boar is the most blessed of the Chinese Zodiac, believed to be born with a golden spoon in its mouth! The Boar epitomises the good life, never wanting for anything and able to make a good living doing what...
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3" Horoscope Animal - Monkey
The Years of the Monkey include 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028The Monkey are smart, agile and active. They are endowed with highly adaptable abilities. Allies of the Monkey are the Rat and Dragon, while their...

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