Riding Horse Decorative Plate (马到成功)
The 8 galloping horses are found in both offices and homes of success Chinese businessmen. A common painting of the 8 galloping horses represents the 8 horses that accompanied King Mu of the Zhou dynasty (周穆王) when traveling around Mount Kunlun. He was widely respected as a transformational ruler who reigned for 55 years who brought about changes and reforms which benefited China. These 8 horses was said to represent the value and virtues of what the revered King embodies.
Each Horse represents a specific value - Hua Liu (骅骝) improves business luck;Lu Er (騄耳) brings career advancement; Chi Ji (赤骥) brings big wealth; Bai Xi (白羲) brings both long life and love; Qu Huang (渠黄) represents wisdom of the sages; Yu Lun (逾轮) stamina and ability to overcome obstacles; Dao Li (盗骊) ability to actualize opportunities; and Shan Zi (山子) brings both happiness and harmonious relationships.
Weight: 785 grams
Diameter: 26 cm
Stand Height: 9.5 cm
Stand Length: 22.5 cm
Stand Width: 1.6 cm
Make: Porcelain & Wooden Stand