Lapis Lazuli Mala (8MM) + Free Chant A Mantra Booklet

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This exquisite dark blue lapis lazuli mala has been designed especially for chanting the mantra of the Medicine Buddha. Perfect for anyone suffering from any form of illness or disease. Chanting Medicine Buddhas mantra invokes his blessings and protection, bringing his powerful healing energies to aid in a quick and full recovery.

Medicine Buddhas Mantra: TADYATHA OM BEKANZAY BEKANZAY MAHA BEKANZAY RAJA SAMUDGATAY SOHA Medicine Buddha also heals emotional and mental problems such as depression, insomnia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons disease and more. Children suffering from genetic disorders like down-syndrome, autism and Aspergers also benefit from Medicine Buddhas mantra.

These mala beads come strung with Dorje & Bell, 8 Auspicious Objects Charm, Mystic Knots and the powerful seed syllable Hum.

Care instructions: Wipe with a damp cloth periodically to maintain the cleanliness of your mala. Mala beads are sacred items; please store in pouch when not in use. You may also perform periodic energy cleansing by using a metal/crystal singing bowl or by dipping your mala beads in the sun-water and drying them quickly.

Weight: 95 grams
Length: 51.0 cm
Material: Lapis Lazuli Beads Grade AA
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