Choy San Yeh, God Of Wealth


to activate the Wealth Star #8

There is no better way to welcome prosperity into one's life than to invite Choy San Yeh, the God of Wealth. This popular wealth deity, depicted here in imitation ivory finish holding a golden ingot in one hand and a Ruyi in the other, represents money luck, as well as the power to do as you wish. The accompanying Chinese phrase "财源广进"  or "Chai Yuan Guang Jin" carries the meaning "wealth arriving from many different directions".

Display in the center of your home or living space to attract health, wealth and prosperity for all the family. Excellent to activate the Wealth Star #8 of the year. 

In 2024, place in NORTH.

Weight: 760 grams
Height: 19.5 cm
Length: 8.0 cm
Width: 7.0 cm
Make: Resin

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