2025 Horoscope Kit for Sheep
Version update:
3 Jan - We have replaced Big Auspicious Pi Yao Amulet with Tai Kat Tai Ley Amulet.
This feng shui kit includes:
3 Jewels Prosperity Bat
Tai Kat Tai Ley Amulet
Anti-Conflict Rooster
Dorje Drolo Scorpion Gold Talisman Card
- FREE GIFT (while stocks last) - 5 Elements Balancing Bag Charm Hanging worth USD 63.97
The Sheep should focus on growing its wealth and accumulating more assets. Under the influence of the Prosperity Star 8, investments do well and business ventures can turn a profit. The Big Auspicious Star coming from the direction of your secret friend, the Horse, suggests you could cross some big milestones this year.
Harness all this good fortune by placing the 3 Jewels Prosperity Bat in the Southwest. Carry the Tai Kat Tai Ley Amulet to speed up your success.
The only afflictions you need to take care of are the two Yearly Conflict Stars in your sector which could lead to politicking, backstabbing and lawsuits. Subdue these by placing the Anti-Conflict Rooster on your work desk. Carry the Dorje Drolo Scorpion Gold Talisman Card in your wallet to reduce incidents of jealousy.
Clip 5 Elements Balancing Bag Charm Hanging onto your handbag (or carry it in your briefcase) to unlock your full potential no matter what the external environment.
Weight: 695 grams