Four Weapon Protection Amulet


against danger from the 4 directions

This talisman features the Amulet to Protect Against Bad Places on one side, and the 4 weapons of the 4 Heavenly Kings on the other. The Umbrella is the implement of Duo Wen, the Northerly Heavenly King, the Sword the implement of Zhen Zhang, the Southerly King, the Pipa the weapon of Chi Guo, the Easterly King, and the Snake the weapon of Guang Yue, the Westerly King. 

Carry to ward off misfortune, protect against being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and for protection against spirit harm of any kind.  

Makes an excellent travel protection amulet, and a good safeguard against the Travelling Horse Star. 

[Anyone afflicted by the Yearly Conflict, Yearly Killings, or #5 or #7 star should carry this amulet].

Weight: 50 grams
Height: 10.0 cm
Length: 5.5 cm
Make: Metal

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